Difference between revisions of "User:Binomial-Theorem"

(Details about me)
(AMC 8)
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===AMC 8===
===AMC 8===
I have not taken an AMC 8 yet.
My score was 21/25.
===AMC 10===
===AMC 10===

Revision as of 17:00, 17 March 2012

Details about me

- Hi everyone! My name is Justin Stevens. I am 13 years old currently.

Math contests

Below will discuss all math contests I have participated in.




My score was 21/25.

AMC 10

AMC 10B 2011

I got a 96 on the AMC 10B in 2011

AMC 12

I have am not taking the AMC 12 yet.


Mathcounts 2011


I got a 19 on sprint. I don't remember what I got on target.


I got a 20 on sprint and a 12 on target. I got 25th place out of approximately 180 kids.


I joined artofproblemsolving in May, and enjoy posting solutions and moderating the Alcumus forum.

AoPS classes

Algebra 1

Over the summer of 2010, I took Algebra 1. I very much enjoyed this class. It included the quadratic formula ($\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}$), solving equations like: $2x+y=50$ $x-y=25$ Which would give us $x=\frac{75}{3}=25$ and $y=-2$. It also taught me graphing and slopes ($\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1})$

Introductory to Number Theory

Over the fall of 2010 I took Introductory to Number Theory and Introductory to Counting and Probability. In number theory, I learned base numbers, $\pmod{}$, and a lot of interesting number theory formulas (Ex: $gcd(x,y)=p_1^{min_{e_1,e_2}}*p_2^{min_{e_3,e_4}}*p_n^{min_{e_{2n-1}, e_{2n}}$ (Error compiling LaTeX. Unknown error_msg).

Introductory to Counting and Probability

Over the fall of 2010 I took Introductory to Number Theory and Introductory to Counting and Probability. I learned Permutations, $\binom{N}{R}$, Pascals triangle, Pascals Identity, and my username ($(x+y)^n=\binom{n}{0}x^n+\binom{n}{1}x^{n-1}y+\binom{n}{2}x^{n-2}y^2\cdots \binom{n}{n-2}x^2y^{n-2}+\binom{n}{n-1}xy^{n-1}+\binom{n}{n}y^n)$