2023 AMC 8 Problems/Problem 23

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Probability is total favorable outcomes over total outcomes, so we can find these separately to determine the answer.

There are $4$ ways to choose the big diamond location from our $9$ square grid. From our given problem there are $4$ different arrangements of triangles for every square. This implies that from having $1$ diamond we are going to have $4^5$ distinct patterns outside of the diamond. This gives a total of $4\cdot 4^5 = 4^6$ favorable cases.

There are 9 squares and 4 possible designs for each square, giving $4^9$ total outcomes. Thus, our desired probability is $\dfrac{4^6}{4^9} = \dfrac{1}{4^3} = \boxed{\text{(C)} \hspace{0.1 in} \dfrac{1}{64}}$ .