2024 AIME II Problems/Problem 5

Revision as of 21:52, 8 February 2024 by Mineric (talk | contribs) (Solution 1)

Let ABCDEF be a convex equilateral hexagon in which all pairs of opposite sides are parallel. The triangle whose sides are extensions of segments AB, CD, and EF has side lengths 200, 240, and 300. Find the side length of the hexagon.

Solution 1

(Sorry i have zero idea how to make drawings) Draw a good diagram! Let $AB \cap DC$, $CD \cap FE$, and $BA \cap EF$ be P, Q, and R, respectively. Let $QR=200, RP=300, PQ=240$. Notice that all smaller triangles formed are all similar to the larger $(200,240,300)$ triangle. Let the side length of the hexagon be x. Triangle $\triangle BCP \sim \triangle RQP$, so $\frac{BC}{BP} =\frac{x}{BP} =\frac{200}{300} \implies BP=\frac{3x}{2}$. Triangle $\triangle AFR \sim \triangle PQR$, so $\frac{AF}{AR}=\frac{x}{AR} = \frac{240}{300} \implies AR=\frac{5x}{4}$. We know $RA+AB+BP=300$, so $\frac{5}{4}x + x + \frac{3}{2}x = 300$. Solving, we get $x=\boxed{080}$. -westwoodmonster

See also

2024 AIME II (ProblemsAnswer KeyResources)
Preceded by
Problem 4
Followed by
Problem 6
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