2002 AMC 12P Problems/Problem 10

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Let $f_n (x) = \text{sin}^n x + \text{cos}^n x.$ For how many $x$ in $[0,\pi]$ is it true that


$\text{(A) }2 \qquad \text{(B) }4  \qquad \text{(C) }6 \qquad \text{(D) }8 \qquad \text{(E) more than }8$


Divide by 2 on both sides to get \[3f_{4}(x)-2f_{6}(x)=f_{2}(x)\] Substituting the definitions of $f_{2}(x)$, $f_{4}(x)$, and $f_{6}(x)$, we may rewrite the expression as \[3(\text{sin}^4 x + \text{cos}^4 x) - 2(\text{sin}^6 x + \text{cos}^6 x) = 1\] We now simplify each term separately using some algebraic manipulation and the Pythagorean identity.

We can rewrite $3(\text{sin}^4 x + \text{cos}^4 x)$ as \[3(\text{sin}^2 x + \text{cos}^2 x)^2 - 6\text{sin}^2 x \text{cos}^2 x\] which is equivalent to \[3 - 6\text{sin}^2 x \text{cos}^2 x\]

As for $2(\text{sin}^6 x + \text{cos}^6 x)$, we may factor it as $2(\text{sin}^2 x + \text{cos}^2 x)(\text{sin}^4 x + \text{cos}^4 x - \text{sin}^2 x \text{cos}^2 x)$, which can be rewritten as \[2(\text{sin}^4 x + \text{cos}^4 x - \text{sin}^2 x \text{cos}^2 x)\] and then as \[2(\text{sin}^2 x + \text{cos}^2)^2) - 6\text{sin}^2 x \text{cos}^2 x\] which is equivalent to \[2 - 6\text{sin}^2 x \text{cos}^2 x\]

Putting everything together, we have \[(3 - 6\text{sin}^2 x \text{cos}^2 x) - (2 - 6\text{sin}^2 x \text{cos}^2 x) = 1\]

See also

2002 AMC 12P (ProblemsAnswer KeyResources)
Preceded by
Problem 9
Followed by
Problem 11
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