1978 USAMO Problems

Revision as of 20:02, 16 August 2011 by Mrdavid445 (talk | contribs) (Problem 5)

Problem 1

The sum of 5 real numbers is 8 and the sum of their squares is 16. What is the largest possible value for one of the numbers?

Problem 2

Two square maps cover exactly the same area of terrain on different scales. The smaller map is placed on top of the larger map and inside its borders. Show that there is a unique point on the top map which lies exactly above the corresponding point on the lower map. How can this point be constructed?

Problem 3

You are told that all integers from $33$ to $73$ inclusive can be expressed as a sum of positive integers whose reciprocals sum to 1. Show that the same is true for all integers greater than $73$.

Problem 4

Show that if the angle between each pair of faces of a tetrahedron is equal, then the tetrahedron is regular. Does a tetrahedron have to be regular if five of the angles are equal?

Problem 5

There are 9 delegates at a conference, each speaking at most three languages. Given any three delegates, at least 2 speak a common language. Show that there are three delegates with a common language.