1980 AHSME Problems/Problem 28

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The polynomial $x^{2n}+1+(x+1)^{2n}$ is not divisible by $x^2+x+1$ if $n$ equals

$\text{(A)} \ 17 \qquad  \text{(B)} \ 20 \qquad  \text{(C)} \ 21 \qquad  \text{(D)} \ 64 \qquad  \text{(E)} \ 65$

Solution 1

Let $h(x)=x^2+x+1$.

Then we have \[(x+1)^2n = (x^2+2x+1)^n = (h(x)+x)^n = g(x) \cdot h(x) + x^n,\] where $g(x)$ is $h^{n-1}(x) + nh^{n-2}(x) \cdot x + ... + x^{n-1}$ (after expanding $(h(x)+x)^n$ according to the Binomial Theorem).

Notice that \[x^2n = x^2n+x^{2n-1}+x^{2n-2}+...x            -x^{2n-1}-x^{2n-2}-x^{2n-3}          +...\]

$x^n = x^n+x^{n-1}+x^{n-2}          -x^{n-1}-x^{n-2}-x^{n-3}   +....$

Therefore, the left term from $x^2n$ is $x^{(2n-3u)}$

          the left term from $x^n$ is $x^{(n-3v)}$, 

If divisible by h(x), we need 2n-3u=1 and n-3v=2 or

                             2n-3u=2 and n-3v=1

The solution will be n=1 or 2 mod(3). Therefore n=21 is impossible


Solution 2

Notice that the roots of $w^2+w+1=0$ are also the third roots of unity (excluding $w=1$). This is fairly easy to prove: multiply both sides by $w-1$ and we get \[(w-1)(w^2+w+1) = w^3 - 1 = 0.\] These roots are $w = e^{i \pi /3}$ and $w = e^{2i \pi /3}$.

Now we have \begin{align*} w^{2n} + 1 + (w+1)^{2n} &= w^{2n} + 1 + (-w^2)^{2n} \\ &= w^{4n} + w^{2n} + 1\\ &= 0. \end{align*} Plug in the roots of $w^2+w+1=0$. Note that \[e^{2i \pi /3} + 1 = -\frac{1}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}i + 1 = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}i = e^{i \pi /3}.\] However, this will not work if $n=3m$, so $n$ cannot be equal to $21$. Hence our answer is $\textrm{(C)}$.

Solution 3

We start by noting that \[x + 1 \equiv -x^2 \mod (x^2+x+1).\] Let $n = 3k+r$, where $r \in \{ 0,1,2 \}$.

Thus we have \[x^{4n} + x^{2n} + 1 \equiv x^{4r} + x^{2r} + 1 \mod (x^3 -1).\]

When $r = 0$, \[x^{4n} + x^{2n} + 1 \equiv 3 \mod (x^3 -1).\] When $r = 1$, \[x^{4n} + x^{2n} + 1 \equiv x^2 + x + 1 \mod (x^3 -1),\] which will be divisible by $x^2+x+1$.

When $r = 2$, \[x^{4n} + x^{2n} + 1 \equiv x^2 + x + 1 \mod (x^3 -1),\] which will also be divisible by $x^2+x+1$.

Thus $r \ne 0$, so $n$ cannot be divisible by $3$, and the answer is $\textrm{(C)}$.

See also

1980 AHSME (ProblemsAnswer KeyResources)
Preceded by
Problem 27
Followed by
Problem 29
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